We got up in the wee hours of the morning...like I knew we would. The kids ran in and told us that Santa had came. We got the camera and ran in the living room to see what was left behind. Chance had a paintball gun, paint balls, and a movie. Amaya had a doll that she has been wanting, an outfit for the doll, a lap desk that she very much so needs as well as a ken doll that she had been wanting. Mahayla also got a doll, with an outfit and a lap desk. They got a ton of things as well that they opened from me and their dad....If you ask them what their favorite thing is...Mahayla will tell you a stroller for her baby, Amaya will tell you her Apple Ipod Shuffle and Chance will tell you his Paintball gun. I think we did good this year on getting what they really wanted. This is just some of the many things they got. They all ran over and see that Santa ate his cookies and drank his hot chocolate and were happy that he came to visit.
Then later we ran to a friend of ours mom's house. She invited us over for Christmas dinner. We had such a good time talking, laughing and eating a lot. I tell ya...how am I gonna lose all this weight I have packed on the past few days? It's gonna be hard..but I am gonna have to work on it. We had a Great Christmas...and I hope all of you did as well.