Mahayla turned 4 on January 16th! We had a Disney Princess Party! She dressed as Ariel The Little Mermaid and her sister was dressed as Belle! I can't believe my baby is 4 years old..man time sure has flew by! She looks so big riding her bike she got for her birthday! She kept saying look at me mommy...and asking her daddy to walk with her while she rode. She was so proud of herself. My wish for her is that all her dreams and wishes come true and that she is healthy and happy!
This is my little Monkeys on New Years Eve Night! They were ready to PARTY! We had friends come over and family..and we played Dance, Dance Revolution and ate and ate some more. We all had so much fun! I can't believe the kids actualy stayed up till midnight! They loved watching the ball drop and blowing their horns to bring in the new year! We did however sleep in MAJORLY the next day!
I have been a major Blog Slacker! I never post any pictures or anything else for that matter! So, this year I am going to make an effort of posting more! I have cute kids so why not show them off ! LOL! This year it is all about FAMILY and appreciating everyone in my life more than I have before! So, Yay...for me for posting finally lol.