Well I was in Texas and had a blast! I hated to leave..but was ready to see my kids!! I missed them alot. I loved it out there! It seems like a different pace..and living! I was so happy to see my sister and her kids! Plus I got to meet my new little nephew Luke! He is such a little sweetie! I could just eat him up. I had fun playing and hanging out with Ashleigh and Ryan..when they weren't in school. Ricky my other nephew is so tall...I can't believe he is grown. My sister seems to be hanging in there with doing everything on her own. She is one tough cookie! I tell her all the time she is Superwoman for sure! I don't know if I would be up to all the tasks she has to get through. It was really good just spending time with all of them. I missed my family terribly...but I really enjoyed the break. It was long overdue and well worth it. I came back feeling refreshed and ready to jump right into my mommy duties once again! Every mom should have a break sometime or another. It does you good!! I know it did me good!