Mahayla has decided to play Tee ball with Parks and Rec this year! She is so excited! We went out and bought her a glove (pink and white of course). Here are a few pictures I had taken out at the ball field of Mahayla and a picture of her and her buddy Dakota. They look so small out there. Later she wanted to sleep with her glove she was so excited and had so much fun! I talked her into letting me put it beside her bed on her nightstand. I bet she had some really good sweet dreams that night.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 2011 I'm a Sports Mom!
Mahayla has decided to play Tee ball with Parks and Rec this year! She is so excited! We went out and bought her a glove (pink and white of course). Here are a few pictures I had taken out at the ball field of Mahayla and a picture of her and her buddy Dakota. They look so small out there. Later she wanted to sleep with her glove she was so excited and had so much fun! I talked her into letting me put it beside her bed on her nightstand. I bet she had some really good sweet dreams that night.
March 2011
I took some snapshots of the girls before they left out for school. Today was picture day! They had been wanting me to straighten their hair which takes time in the morning...but we got up SUPER early to do both of their heads. They were so was going to be their first picture of them with straight short hair. Again...if your wondering about where Chance's picture is for Picture day..he wasn't in a good mood that morning so I wasn't going to dare ask for him to take a picture. Here are the girls pictures...hope they turn out good at school when they come back! Of course they picked out matching shirts...just different colors to wear. Which turned out looking so cute!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Upside Down Reading?
Amaya was doing her reading one Sunday...and she said the book was really good...too good to put I watched her here and there as she was reading...walked outside to do some things and walked in and seen her upside down reading lol. I had to take a few snapshots of her..without her looking...then she caught me lol. I am so glad she loves to read as much as I do. She is such a good reader!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sisterly Love
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hanging Out 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 2011 St. Patty's Day
St. Patty's Day is here! We got into the holiday this year...big time. We made a Leprechaun Trap the day we could try and catch a Leprechaun. We all had a part in making it and were so proud how it turned out. The Leprechaun left the kids skittles, and gold wrapped Rollo candy. Kids were a little upset we didn't catch a leprechaun but were pleased to see he left some goodies. After School I had some Green Goody's on the table waiting for them. I also snapped a picture of the girls in their St. Patty's Day shirts. Chance however could care less in taking a picture...for those of you wondering where his is...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 2011
It's that time again...Girl Scout Cookie Booth Time! We were out in front of Mac's Breakfast Anytime selling cookies! It was Amaya, Jaylyn and Sara (not pictured). It was so cold outside. The girls kept going in and out trying to warm up. We ended up selling 122 boxes of cookies that day!! We were so proud! Here is a picture of the girls out there bundled up selling their cookies!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
January...Donate To Locks Of Love
Today we went to Hair Worx and the girls decided to get their hair cut. They are so tired of the long hair they just want a change. A good change it will be for all of more hassles with putting it up and with struggling to get Mahayla to let me brush her hair. They decided to donate their hair to Locks Of Love which I am so proud they are! They know that their hair will help someone that would otherwise not have the chance to have a wig made for them while fighting a terrible illness. This is a great day today!!
After Hair cuts we went to Fayetteville to Chuck - E- Cheese to meet Alayna and her kids Kaitlyn and Tyler. We had fun but man it was packed. Later we decided to go eat lunch at Red Robin...a family favorite restaurant and then ran into Hobby Lobby. It was fun shopping for craft/scrapping goods with a friend and not alone. Can't wait to get some time to get together to craft some.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
January 16th...Mahayla Turns 5!
Mahayla turns 5 today!! I can't believe my baby is 5! It seems like just yesterday I was changing diapers, helping her walk, potty training and now wow 5!! She decided she wanted Mickey and Minnie Mouse for her decor for her birthday. It took many, many times to finally get her to decide so I was so glad when she finally did and we went to get all the decorations and order her cake. We got together with family and friends and had a party here at the house. It was good for all of them to come out and help us celebrate. We had cake, ice cream, hot dogs, and chips. We had so much fun. The kids enjoyed playing together and just enjoying some quality time. Mahayla you are a wonderful little girl...and I am so proud to be your mom. I hope you are always as happy as you are in these pictures taken from your party. Happy Birthday Baby!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Did someone say snow?
Did It snow! Phew we have gotten 8 inches now and it's supposed to freeze over! School was cancelled today and already called off for tomorrow as well. The kids are enjoying the snow! All the running in and out is driving me a little insane though. I must admit. It seems like the girls don't even stay out there long enough to even get dressed in all their layers. Chance was having a ball out there with his dad having a snowball fight. All I could hear was laughter! Anthony walked down the road to his moms with the kids and said they walked thru the woods and played in the snow more. I myself went out long enough to take a few pictures and then came back in to get warm. That was more than enough for me! Now I am wondering when our week is going to really begin...and when is my house going to look presentable again! It's nice getting all of this family time and all but it seems like every room is outta order! Gonna have to get the kids on top of their rooms tomorrow and me in there working on the rest of the laundry and attacking my scrap mess. I can't let it go any longer! I plan on getting it done tomorrow so I can plan my next thing to work on around here. I am also going to try and tackle a 365 blog but I am doing it like a friend of mine Alayna...I plan on posting pictures weekly instead of daily. I think I can commit to that and it working out just fine for me. Guess we shall see.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Last day going solo
Thank goodness today is over with! Wasn't all that bad but still I am glad it's done. Tomorrow the kids have school and I have a date with my to do list! I gotta get some stuff marked off and you got it...more laundry finished! Hubby will fly in tomorrow around dinner time and will be home just in time to tuck the kids in bed! They will be so happy that he is back home! I know I will be! This going at it solo is for the birds! I would much rather have him home to help with the kids! I have to admit I got some things done today...but not all. I just couldn't get in the mood to do much! All I wanted to do is blog hop and play games on facebook today! Ugh! Wasted day! Tomorrow I will make up for it though! I did however help my mom out with her a new blog! Hopefully she will get the hang of it soon! We are thinking of going to Walt Disney World in Florida this Spring! Never been so I put in for a free Informational dvd to help us decide on everything and check it all out. If you have been and would like to leave any tips/advice..please do so! I have had Shana fill me in on alot so far! Thanks girl! It always helps when you know someone that has already been somewhere and willing to give you some tips and advice on what they did that would help us as well! The kids don't know we are thinking about it and will be so shocked if we do go! I can't wait to think of a creative way of letting them find out!! I am excited myself!! Okay..enough of this rambling...I gotta go to bed...tomorrow comes!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I sure am glad that I got a lot done yesterday although I am feeling like I did nothing today! I didn't get much sleep last night due to hubby not being home. It seemed to take forever for me to fall asleep and when I did I feel like I tossed and turned all night long. So needless to say I went back to bed after I sent the kids to school. So I slept until around 10:30 and then got up showered and went to town with a friend of mine. It felt good to get out of the house and just to hang out and talk with a friend. We don't get out all that much without kids and the hubbys so it was nice to just hang out and talk. Plus, who doesn't like shopping without kids? Right, or husbands for that matter! It was good just catching up after the holidays.
Today I find myself not feeling right...loopy actually. I don't know what is going on with me. I feel like every single time my kids ask me something I say Yes and then I have to think about what I said Yes too! I am just all outta sorts today! I found myself juggling the kids on the computer and them not wanting to share, and the phone, and cooking dinner...all along the while my bath water was running. I forgot all about it and yep! you guessed ran over! I have carpet "gasp" in my bathroom. It is something the hubs and I are going to take out at tax time. It will be our first project for sure now! So needless to say I have been soaking up the floor with towels, and the shop vac and fans going trying to get it dry in there.Tons of laundry is in store for me tonight. All these soaking wet towels need to be washed/dried and put away. I told my husband what happened and he said I was just trying to do too much! Which I was! I admit! I was just trying to stay on top of things because let's face it after the kids get home the time just get's away easily and if you don't stay on top of things you run out of time and we can't have the kids going to bed late! 8 am is bedtime and that is set in stone!! I am just so ready for this day to be over and done with and behind me! Let's hope to a better day tomorrow for all of us!
Today I find myself not feeling right...loopy actually. I don't know what is going on with me. I feel like every single time my kids ask me something I say Yes and then I have to think about what I said Yes too! I am just all outta sorts today! I found myself juggling the kids on the computer and them not wanting to share, and the phone, and cooking dinner...all along the while my bath water was running. I forgot all about it and yep! you guessed ran over! I have carpet "gasp" in my bathroom. It is something the hubs and I are going to take out at tax time. It will be our first project for sure now! So needless to say I have been soaking up the floor with towels, and the shop vac and fans going trying to get it dry in there.Tons of laundry is in store for me tonight. All these soaking wet towels need to be washed/dried and put away. I told my husband what happened and he said I was just trying to do too much! Which I was! I admit! I was just trying to stay on top of things because let's face it after the kids get home the time just get's away easily and if you don't stay on top of things you run out of time and we can't have the kids going to bed late! 8 am is bedtime and that is set in stone!! I am just so ready for this day to be over and done with and behind me! Let's hope to a better day tomorrow for all of us!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
School is back in!
YAY!! Anyone else doing the "Happy Dance" along with me? I love my three kids with all of my being but let's face it....we were all tired of eachother! We had enough togetherness once and for all. Everyone got up and ready to one was dragging...shocking! We got the kids to school, hubby packed and on his way to the airport for his school trip and I am getting down to business in this house! Today I got A LOT of things done on my to do list...(Yes, I am a list freak). I love making lists for everything and the satisfaction it gives me when I can mark things off that I have completed. No biggie for others but it works for me! I got way more completed today than I thought. I was on top of things! I just hope I keep up this energy all week. That would help out on me trying to get things in order around here. I did laundry, swept, mopped the kitchen, cleaned the kids bathroom, and did much more. I am really proud for staying on top of the laundry especially. I am one of those moms that love to leave it in the basket..long after it's folded and days later. So I am proud that I went ahead and folded/hung up the clothes and put them away as I went. It sure makes things easier that is for sure...Now why haven't I been doing this all along? Who know?!
Now kids are in bed, and I find myself sitting here in a dark, quiet house. Usually now is the time where my hubby and I would talk about things we didn't get to talk about while the kids were awake or watch tv. or something. I don't like this single parent thing and it's only the first night of him being gone! Hopefully time will fly by like today and he will be back with us!
Now kids are in bed, and I find myself sitting here in a dark, quiet house. Usually now is the time where my hubby and I would talk about things we didn't get to talk about while the kids were awake or watch tv. or something. I don't like this single parent thing and it's only the first night of him being gone! Hopefully time will fly by like today and he will be back with us!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Getting it together!
Today I am trying to get things together...get things straighten around the house, get the kids to get their bookbags, shoes, jackets ready to go by the door. School starts back again tomorrow and we are all going to be a little rusty at getting up and getting going I'm sure! Just when the craziness from the holidays and things are hubby finds out he is going to school in Orlando,Florida for work for four days! Ugh! I must admit...panic came over me! I hate when he leaves! He doesn't do it that often so when he really doesn't sit well with me. I went and got the groceries and things we will need for when he is gone so I don't have to worry about that on top of everything else. I most admit I am spoiled. I have a husband that helps me with our kids alot and I love that and miss it greatly when he is away! It's weird to have to deal with things although I know I am capable but doing it alone when you usually have a partner to tackle it with is just overwhelming! Fingers crossed over the next few days things will go smoothly!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
My Word! New Year 2011!
It's a New Year! Already! Wow! 2011 is here ready of not! Well this year I am gonna get my act together! I am going to get more organzied. I am tired of living with the chaos that I have in my house/life for as long as I can remember. I am getting my home/family/myself in order! Out with the clutter and in with the organization! I am going to be following a friend (Alayna) that is doing a thing on her blog for the word of the year. She picks a word for the year to inspire her to help her with something she is wanting to work on.
This year my word is going to ...SIMPLIFY! It is time to get in there knee deep in the stuff that I "think" I need to keep and really taking a different look at it. I know that I don't need to keep something just because it was a loved one that is no longer here anymore, and that I can't keep everything, I have three kids so I can't keep every single story they write or every art piece they bring home. I have to be selective and accountable for things. When things come in I know I need to act right then and do something with it. If it's trash it goes straight in the trash...if I think I need to keep it...then it better have a place to go. If I don't do this then things will stay out of control. So I have to struggle with this but do it daily to get to where I want in my house.
I have started in my bedroom. It's big but not big enough to hold all that we have going in there. So I have started in my closet and have been going thru mine and my hubby's things. I know I can't wait for him to decide to go thru it. I have to get him in their with me and let's just get it over with. We have a lot in there that we don't need and don't wear and it just needs to go. I also have a shelf with lots of scrapbooking stuff. It's falling off and shoved on their and in so much chaos it's crazy! I am going to start tackling this closet and when I get finished I will show before and after pics so if you follow you can hold me accountable for getting things done. Because let's face it with the way things are today...we can all use a little simplfying in our lives!
This year my word is going to ...SIMPLIFY! It is time to get in there knee deep in the stuff that I "think" I need to keep and really taking a different look at it. I know that I don't need to keep something just because it was a loved one that is no longer here anymore, and that I can't keep everything, I have three kids so I can't keep every single story they write or every art piece they bring home. I have to be selective and accountable for things. When things come in I know I need to act right then and do something with it. If it's trash it goes straight in the trash...if I think I need to keep it...then it better have a place to go. If I don't do this then things will stay out of control. So I have to struggle with this but do it daily to get to where I want in my house.
I have started in my bedroom. It's big but not big enough to hold all that we have going in there. So I have started in my closet and have been going thru mine and my hubby's things. I know I can't wait for him to decide to go thru it. I have to get him in their with me and let's just get it over with. We have a lot in there that we don't need and don't wear and it just needs to go. I also have a shelf with lots of scrapbooking stuff. It's falling off and shoved on their and in so much chaos it's crazy! I am going to start tackling this closet and when I get finished I will show before and after pics so if you follow you can hold me accountable for getting things done. Because let's face it with the way things are today...we can all use a little simplfying in our lives!
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