It's a New Year! Already! Wow! 2011 is here ready of not! Well this year I am gonna get my act together! I am going to get more organzied. I am tired of living with the chaos that I have in my house/life for as long as I can remember. I am getting my home/family/myself in order! Out with the clutter and in with the organization! I am going to be following a friend (Alayna) that is doing a thing on her blog for the word of the year. She picks a word for the year to inspire her to help her with something she is wanting to work on.
This year my word is going to
...SIMPLIFY! It is time to get in there knee deep in the stuff that I "think" I need to keep and really taking a different look at it. I know that I don't need to keep something just because it was a loved one that is no longer here anymore, and that I can't keep everything, I have three kids so I can't keep every single story they write or every art piece they bring home. I have to be selective and accountable for things. When things come in I know I need to act right then and do something with it. If it's trash it goes straight in the trash...if I think I need to keep it...then it better have a place to go. If I don't do this then things will stay out of control. So I have to struggle with this but do it daily to get to where I want in my house.
I have started in my bedroom. It's big but not big enough to hold all that we have going in there. So I have started in my closet and have been going thru mine and my hubby's things. I know I can't wait for him to decide to go thru it. I have to get him in their with me and let's just get it over with. We have a lot in there that we don't need and don't wear and it just needs to go. I also have a shelf with lots of scrapbooking stuff. It's falling off and shoved on their and in so much chaos it's crazy! I am going to start tackling this closet and when I get finished I will show before and after pics so if you follow you can hold me accountable for getting things done. Because let's face it with the way things are today...we can all use a little simplfying in our lives!